
Female > Body Treatments

Technique recommended to stimulate cell renewal, the term peeling can be translated to “exfoliate” or “peel”. Through natural, mechanical or chemical agents, peeling causes exfoliation of the skin, eliminating its most superficial part, the epidermis. The goal is to stimulate the rapid formation of new layers in its place, which always happens from the inside out, from the dermis to the epidermis.

The intensity of the peel varies between superficial, medium or deep. The skin cells are thus stimulated to grow rejuvenated, softer and clearer. Intimate peeling within this process eliminates dead skin cells and superficial layers by associating some acids. The result is smoother, renewed, younger-looking skin.

Like the others, only the doctor is able to recommend peelings, because it is necessary to be precise about the depth conditions of the skin, which varies from person to person. In case of inaccuracy in the exfoliation process, excessive peeling can cause infections and leave scars.

Post-treatment: Slight peeling

Protocol: 3 to 6 sessions, monthly

Result: Immediate

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